Saturday, 19 July 2014

History in the Heat

Now, we may have left school behind us for now, but I wouldn't say that mean we automatically have to stop learning things or being interesting in finding out something new and interesting about the part of the world we live in...
So, when we made a trip to Drumlanrig Castle, a mere hours drive away, we did so with the intention of doing just that - basking in the heat, exploring the history of our area, and possible even learning something fascinating.

It truly was magnificently hot, often a bit too much so, but we've realised you just have to make the most of it when it's here! Plus, it meant we could stroll around the gardens and have a quick reliving of our younger days in the play park, at whatever speed we wanted (ie pretty slow - still recovering from a cold here guys!)

The gardens were lovely up close, but so much lovelier from up above, all perfect lines and angles and symmetrical colour. I'd like to think if ever in my lifetime I were to own such an expanse of land it would be looked after that well, but in reality it'd probably just end up as a mess of wildflowers and overgrown weeds.

These trees/bushes were amusing; whoever decided that all a stately garden needed was a few cupcake shapes decorations definitely had the kind of sense of humour I like.

And the castle itself, so grand and impressive, can you imagine living in a place like this?

I can picture it hundreds of years ago in sunny weather just like this, practically unchanged. Sweeping gowns, constricting corsets, plenty of hands working, scrubbing, making sure it always looks its best.

Even the surrounding buildings, like the stables, were pretty, though this would be a much more recent development, with hanging baskets and clean stonework and calm resonating throughout them.

And whatever this little cabin was too caught my eye, nestled away in the unrulier parts of the gardens (probably just a toilet or shed, no need to romanticise it too much)...

The tour of the Castle itself was made interesting by a guide who clearly genuinely loved his job (it can change everything!), and we wandered the halls surrounded by endless paintings and photographs and tapestries, cordoned off from ornate furniture and bedsheets and mirrors, out of reach of glinting chandeliers and patterned ceilings. Learning about Dukes past and present, wives, pastimes, scandals.

Such fun!

Friday, 11 July 2014

(Let's Go To The)...



Sunny weather and school holidays call for inevitable beach trips in all occasions, and yesterday we set off for a relaxing evening by the sea. Now, of course we had to do things in style, and packed up not only a BBQ and all the accompaniments, but also picnic blankets, deck chairs, sandcastle gear and giant bubbles!

It was honestly so lovely to escape for a little bit, to just sit in the sun in the peace and quiet, surrounded by trees, and enjoy good food without any worries.

Even though I personally wasn't feeling very good, due to stupid summer colds which are sweeping through the house right now and a long day spent in a warm office looking at a computer screen, it turned out to be just what I needed. A little bit of time pretending the rest of the world didn't really exist and breathing in fresh salty air and filling my belly - perfecto! 

Plus, I was very eager to whip out my camera once more and snap away at the beautiful sights, because I feel like I haven't had the chance to in the longest time! I certainly wouldn't call myself a photographer in any way, but I love the focus that gazing through a camera lens gives me, like those scenes are all that really matter...

A fairly short visit, it may have been our first time to the beach this holidays, but hopefully it will by no means be the last! Maybe next time we'll even actually get in the water, and be there before the sun begins to set (although that is arguable the best time of day).

It may only have been a few hours out of normal routine, but sometimes that's all that is needed to clear your mind and find some kind of balance and calm.

There's a quote by JFK that I really like regarding  the sea, which always comes to mind in these moments:

"And it is an interesting biological fact that all of us have, in our veins the exact same percentage of salt in our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea - whether it is to sail or to watch it - we are going back from whence we came."

Sunday, 6 July 2014

She's Alive!

Yes! Indeed! I am still here (somewhere), I just haven't been very visible as of late - we all know how it is. You get an idea, it's all wonderful, then something happens and you put it off, and then again, and again, and before you know it, two months have passed and you seem to have vanished! Thankfully, the arrival of summer holidays means that blogging is edging further to the front of my brain, into the spaces left over by exams and schoolwork, all of which are now finito. (I think I'll break myself back in gently though...)

Ew, exams
Probably as little said as possible would be best in this case. In fact, there isn't even much to say about them now, it feels like such an age ago! It's only been a month since they were all over and we started our new timetables at school, but it could have been forever, really. Now I'm pushing worries about them out my mind, because I know it does no good at all, and trying to just welcome the idea that whatever happens on that results sheet in a month, happens, and it is not the end of the world.

Summer's arrival
It seems the whole world goes a bit mad as soon as the sun comes out, and we can wear our shorts and sandals, baring white legs to the world. Of course I am also a bit partial to some warm weather, even if my skin may not agree (it's the time of year where I more or less resemble a lobster 24/7)... Trips to the park, walks in the middle of nowhere, laying in the garden, it's all great!

Rainy day obsessions
Obviously, on the flip side, we have the days with the torrential downpours and weird thunderstorms, and there's been plenty of new obsessions for me to fill these things up with. Between Game of Thrones and Orange Is The New Black, both of which  have only recently got into, I've probably never watched so much TV in my life! Plus I've had plenty of time for book reading, journal writing, picture painting - all of which may slip into posts of their own in the near future!

Now what?
Well, it's the holidays, so I hope to expect lots of relaxing and fun activities, days out... Fun opportunities that give me nerves for days, days spent doing blissful nothingness, time that goes fast and slow. Places to explore, new things to try, books to absorb and words to write, that's what summer's all about right?