Wednesday 16 April 2014

The Commonwealth Melting Pot

It is in the young people of today where the best friendships are made, the most resonant lessons learned, and the future moulded. Now, Glasgow is taking this natural part of life and turning it into something prosperous, innovative, and hugely enjoyable for the Commonwealth - Future News 2014. As one of the 120 lucky enough to partake in such an opportunity, I must say that the natural way to describe these past few days is with the written word.

As a girl from a sleepy village near the Scottish borders, being approached by a bubbly personality from Jamaica or Pakistan, is not something I am used to in the slightest, more accustomed to passing a rogue farm animal in the road than any form of city hustle and bustle. However, I have learned that here in the Mitchell library, anything can happen.

Pushed to talking to strangers despite any former nerves or timidity, we quickly settled in, realising that, here, we are not thought at all strange for wanting to be a journalist, broadcaster, or presenter, but celebrated! Because of Future News we have talked to people we never would have otherwise; learned the ins and outs of the industry from its greats; even had a go ourselves at publishing the type of content we aspire to create in the future (whatever that may be).

At first, I may have cynically seen plucking over 100 young adults from various points across the globe and expecting them to get along as a bit far-fetched. Now, I can see the genius of the whole concept. It turns out that a thread of common interest, no matter how blurred, is enough to form the kind of bond not easily forgotten by anyone - creating the true 'melting pot'.

It seems the young people have done it again! We have done it again: shown that we are indeed the future; capable, teachable, and raring to get ahead. Although 2014 is just the first Future News Conference, I hope it will not be the last, and that the Commonwealth Games, and the reporting they inspire, will leave behind a legacy to be enjoyed by generations to come.

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