Sunday 4 May 2014

April Adorations

For me, April has been one of those funny months, a bit up and down and around, just whizzing by! But between studying, stressing and sleeping, I've also had just about enough time to discover some new things to wear, hear, do, and generally make my day. I thought I might like to share some of these "adorations" today, as the month draws to a close and we move swiftly on into the next one (eek!) So, this month I've enjoyed (ft. dodgy editing)...

Frozen! For sure! I know we're moving into warmer, brighter days, and I should be well past the age and stage of obsessing over Disney films, but this film is just impossible not to love! Quite simply, the songs are currently my life's soundtrack (can. not. stop. singing.), and Olaf is my new best friend. If you're having a down day, there is no better medicine!

Asides from textbooks and revision notes (yawn) I haven't had the chance (or energy) to be reading all that much, but one beautiful book I did get to enjoy was  The Book THIEF, which was fab!

Putting on:
-Vaseline 'Spray and Go' cocoa moisturiser - does everything it says on the tin, perfect for my fellow lazies
-Benefit 'Total Moisture' face cream - so fresh, even for my driest-of-dry skin
-Marc Jacobs 'Honey' - a go-to whenever the weather looks like its picking up

Listening to (on repeat):

1. This beacon of wonderfulness, "Another Story" by Head and the Heart. It's one of those songs that can lift my spirit at any moment, and I can't see it getting old anytime soon either.

2. Or "Heartbeats" by Jose Gonzalez. You know those late night explorations of the YouTube sidebar that occasionally turn into something great? Well, this was one of them! (Also, I later realised it had been in One Tree Hill too, even better)

Saving up means that I haven't bought very much recently, but it also means that what I have picked up has had to be worth it! I'm loving my floral/lace kimono from Urban Outfitters, and can't wait to be able to wear it in all its glory! A more recent purchase was this black bag from Accessorize, which hasn't even had its first outing yet, but I am determined to get as much use out off as possible!


Well, it was only for 3 days out of the months, but Future News 2014 will not be something I am likely to forget in a hurry! Meeting such a diverse group of people from around the globe, all connected by a common interest and goal, was a one in a lifetime opportunity I think, and I'm so glad to have conquered my worries and gone ahead with it!

Now that brings my favourites to an end, and I can now say that I hope May shapes up just as well as April did! What have you loved recently? And what are you looking forward to in the coming months?

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